When a Hemorrhoid Needs Medical Attention

When a Hemorrhoid Needs Medical Attention

Millions of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids, swollen blood vessels located in the lower rectum or anal area. Hemorrhoids can happen for lots of reasons, including chronic constipation or diarrhea, long periods of time on your feet, obesity, liver disease, rectal surgery, and anal intercourse. A family history of hemorrhoids also increases your risk.

A leading provider of hemorrhoid treatment in Deerfield Beach, Florida, Michael H. Tarlowe, MD, focuses on therapies that relieve pain and help prevent hemorrhoids from recurring. Here, learn when you should seek medical treatment for your hemorrhoids.

You have severe pain

Many hemorrhoids cause painful symptoms ranging from mildly annoying to extremely painful. If your hemorrhoids are very painful, prompt medical treatment can help relieve pain now and prevent it in the future.

Symptoms are interfering with your routine

Mild hemorrhoids can make it a little bit uncomfortable to sit or perform other activities. But if your symptoms are severe enough to make it hard to do your regular activities or if you spend a lot of time sitting, it’s time to call our office. 

You have bleeding following a bowel movement

Many hemorrhoids can cause bleeding, especially after a bowel movement. However, other issues can cause bleeding, too, including cancer. If you have any rectal bleeding at any time, you should call the office right away to determine the source. If you lose a lot of blood, it could also lead to anemia.

Hemorrhoids keep recurring

Some people have hemorrhoids only once in their lives or infrequently. Other people have hemorrhoids on a regular basis. If you have hemorrhoids that keep coming back despite home remedies or other conservative efforts to treat them, it’s time to seek a medical solution.

You can feel a bulge

Sometimes, an internal hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus, forming what’s known as a prolapsed hemorrhoid. These hemorrhoids can be very painful, and they can even become strangulated, blocking off the blood supply to the area. If you think you have a prolapsed hemorrhoid, having a medical evaluation is very important.

You have fecal leakage

Some hemorrhoids are accompanied by fecal leakage, and they can also be difficult to keep clean. If you have issues with fecal leakage accompanying your hemorrhoids, we can help.

Symptoms are getting worse

Sometimes, home remedies, like soaking in a tub or using hemorrhoid cream, can help relieve your symptoms. But if those symptoms wind up getting worse, it’s time to seek medical help.

Your symptoms have persisted for a week

If you have discomfort, pain, bleeding, burning, or itching sensations that last for more than a week, it’s a good indication that it's time to seek medical treatment. While some hemorrhoids clear up with some TLC, others simply won’t go away without help from a doctor.

You want to be sure you have hemorrhoids

Finally, seeing Dr. Tarlowe is a good move if you’re not sure your symptoms are due to a hemorrhoid. Bleeding, pain, and lumps in the anal area can all be caused by other issues, and having those symptoms evaluated can help determine what type of treatment you need.

Hemorrhoids might seem like a simple medical problem, but some hemorrhoids can cause serious pain and other complications. To learn how we can help you relieve your hemorrhoid symptoms, call 954-210-7127 or book an appointment online with Dr. Tarlowe today.

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